Monday, October 15, 2012

I'm Back! Back in Black (Coal)!

So, so, so, so, so sorry that I haven't posted forever! I just haven't had the chance to sit down and type (or do anything computer related, for that matter...)

So, yeah, stuffz...

How about them Coal Tars?... (a.k.a. soot sprites, for those who know the magic of Miyazaki films, such as My Friend Totoro)

Those things are everywhere. I mean EVERYWHERE!!! When Rin's demonic powers first start to awaken, he sees them floating all throughout the air. This happens in almost every scene near the beginning of the series.

(They especially appear to swarm around human beings that have been posessed by demons)

But you know what, they dissappear from the show entirely after the first few episodes!!! WHAT'S WITH THAT!?!?!?!?

*mind explosion*

Seriously though, why? Many humans posessed by demons (even extremely strong demons, including Satan himself) appear throughout the rest of the anime series. Even so, they are never just there by themselves, just floating through the air.

This really isn't that important of a subject, and I really shouldn't be fretting over something like this, but I like them. They're so their own way...and sorta' high lookin'...

Anyways, post a comment about any theories you may have, what you think about this subject, what you think about me  being gone soooo long, anything! (But please try to keep it the slightest, ever so slightest bit appropiate, if you can. If you can't,...)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Yukio & I Climb a Mountain (sorta...)

Hey guys! Sorry, I didn't post over the weekend; I had stuffz to do on a mountain. Douglas Mountain to be precise.

Anyways, I was hiking up the Eagle Scout Trail (the super hard one at the back of the mountain) and I saw a whole bunch of different mushrooms! My bro kept pointing out each different one that he saw and I took some pictures. (I'll put some up on this post as soon as I can...)

Sure, the view was amazing, the foliage colorful and vast, but all I could really think about was Yukio leading us up the mountain and instructing us in the multiple demonic pharmacology related uses for each of the fungi.

I <3 Yukio Okumura too! Eek!

(I couldn't find a pic of him on their camping trip, so here's the teen prof at Shiemi's home!)

So yeah, that's what I got for right now... See ya' later!

Friday, October 5, 2012

My B-Day!

Hey guys! Guess what! Tis' my Birthday!!! 

I had to celebrate the other day on my bro's tho. :( My mom couldn't make two cakes this year. But, this also means that I got my gifts yesterday! And I got this Domo t-shirt!

I <3 It!!! Eeek!

But, this being a Blue Exorcist blog, I must make a connection! ;u;

I woke up today and was all like...
See, there's the connection. SWEETS GALORE & LAUGHTER & FUN!!!!! 

Oh! And guess what else! Before I blew out my candles, I was all like eins, zwei, drei! <3

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Hello again! Tis' Thursday here! (My bro's b-day is today, ugh...)

Anyways, I though I would post this adorable pairing/shipping pic I found on tumblr!
Isn't it ADORABLE?!?!?! So cuuuuute! <3

I don't know if any of you out there (meaning you guys reading this...just to clarify...) ship Bon+Rin, but I do!!!

So, I've decided that every now and then, I'm gonna post pairing pics (cute ones. not naked people.) & you guys can tell me what you think. Are the pics cute? Do you ship this pairing? Aren't they cute?

Sorry, pairings are cute. Anyways, tell me what you think whenever I post a pairing pic. See ya' later! <3

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Happy (Almost) Halloween!!! *vv*

Guess what!

It's almost HALLOWEEN!!!

I'm so damn excited, it's not even funny! Halloween is my favorite holiday. And guess what else... this means we can all dress up as whatever we want!!! YAY! So, obviously, I recommend the choice of a Blue Exorcist cosplay. Anything, anyone, from any point in the series. I'm thinking of dressing up as Mephisto Pheles (cuz I can't go trick or treating cuz my mom and cuz I'll be giving out candy and Mephisto likes candy and... you know...) So, yeah. Send me a comment if you're dressing up as a character or familiar or anything. You can even post a pic of your costume. I'll be picking my top three fav pics and re-posting them in another post, so try your bestest!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Blue Exorcist MUST WATCH NOW! ]:{

For those who have not seen the show yet (for what reason you would be here then, I don't know...), here are some links for the show online! <3

Links (Warning! These may not work if your school has set up a web-block,...but you can still try them):

That's  all I can get at this very moment in time in space. I'll try to get some more later!
Tell me whether or not they're any good...hopefully they are... See ya'!



Well, I made this blog to support all Blue Exorcist (青の祓魔師 Ao No Futsumashi) fandom! (Except for awkward and/or uncomfortable shipping...)

Feel free to wander all around! I'll link photos, gifs, posts, debates, and more almost every day! Have fun!!! <3